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Name:Liza, ID: 21909
Category:Ladies' Posts

People are always in the search of love .... true love... sincere and true feelings....
Why do such feelings attract people ? Because such feelings give pleasure and happiness, satisfaction from life and feelings that you look for in your relationship. But it is so difficult to find those feelings. There are many people with many feelings and intentions about love but you can waste your time trying to understand whether it is a true love or not. But people can waste several months to un...

«I don't care too much for money, for money can't buy me love»

Name:Olga, ID: 21384
Category:Ladies' Posts

Many people who are constantly spending money on another person are trying to fill a void in their own lives. Low self-esteem, codependency, and depression are a few of the traits people can have. I felt that there was nothing worthy in me to love and in order to be loved I had to buy it. I didn’t love myself enough to realize that people loved me for me, not for what I bought them. I craved love. It didn’t matter if I spent the last of my money to buy something unnecessary or something needed b...

Just do it

Name:Olga, ID: 21384
Category:Ladies' Posts

See yourself outside yourself.
Imagine you are a sculptor. A sculptor looks at his or her piece of stone and endlessly questions new ways to shape it. And if he or she thinks of something to change, there is no emotional attachment. They just do it. This is how you need to see yourself--as a work of art, always in progress. No need to get upset, or come down hard on yourself when you see something you do not like. Instead, like an artist, just get to work. I'm shaping myself every day: sport, le...

Do you know how.......?

Name:Oksana, ID: 19663
Category:Ladies' Posts

Good day!

Do you know how to begin communication or first meeting with girl correctly?

The most important thing in Dating is self-awareness. Girls read your emotions on an unconscious level. If you are afraid of another ignore, then this is evident in your behavior and may interfere with your acquaintance.

An open look, a smile, unobtrusive, showing sympathy and respect !! A lot depends on how you approach to woman, whether you violate personal space, what you say, and so on. You can find ou...

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