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Just give a chance!

Name:Oksana, ID: 19663
Category:Ladies' Posts


How much do the advantages and disadvantages of a person affect on love? There are no perfect people exist. I am not perfect either! But most people nowadays only notice one disadvantage stop relationship even if their beloved has a lot of advantages!

I believe happy couples live under the motto: Every person has dignity, which are not to draw attention to his shortcomings.

I notice that even if male or female has tattoo or they like drinking wine, beer or smoke, people would hardly b...

Just 2 rules!

Name:Veronika, ID: 19587
Category:Ladies' Posts


Is it scary for us to change our private life forever? YES! Of course yes. We live by rules that our parents and our culture, society put into us. Sometimes you just can not break them. All these thoughts, what your family or friends would think if you do THIS and not THAT as usual.

Everyone from us should have and follow just 2 simple rules!

First rule !

When you are in a relationship there should be very easy for both. Easy should be from the beginning of the relationship. If you h...

How I'm getting ready for Christmas ...

Name:Tatyana, ID: 21436
Category:Ladies' Posts

Hello, my darlings! Throughout the time on a business trip, I realized that I did not have time to prepare for Christmas. If you have the same problem, like my post! Therefore, I decided to write my little secrets as I prepare for the holiday. Maybe it will help you ... So, now I am skating a lot in different strange ways. Of course, I buy gifts, but what...
The first thing you need to decide to whom you are giving is to my friends, I choose small sets of cosmetics. All girls love makeup and per...

Winter's poem

Name:Evgeniya, ID: 19503
Category:Ladies' Posts

December’s hello!

Here we all are dreaming about love, care and relationship and closer to New Year we are thinking about it more often, more deep our thoughts go about future, about love, about New Year where we finally will be not lonely! Such big holidays as Christmas, New Year reminds us that time goes very fast and we need to change everything. I have Christmas wishes too and I want to share them with everyone, I hope someone special who will feel the same after reading it, will have a st...

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