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Passion or love?

Name:Oksana, ID: 19663
Category:Ladies' Posts

I think you will agree that people are more wise with age and people who came to this site to find love also already are wise and have experience in love, dating and maybe in marriage already too. I have a question to you as an adult and wise person, do you confusing passion with love? I think you will agree that both passion and love could be similar in the beginning. You want to see person all the time, you want to kiss him, you want to cuddle him and of course doing other hot things t...

Everything is gonna be alright!

Name:Daria, ID: 21457
Category:Ladies' Posts

Hello!! Did you ever think how music can influence on our life? All songs which we listen to can influence on our way of thibnking, our views and so on. Moreover, just looking at playlist you can always understand what kind of person is behind you.

I prefer optimistic music and songs which gives you good mood, energy and power. I think you know this wonderfull phrase from songs of Bob Marley)) Well, he was kind of optimistik and me too) I always believe that Everything's gonna be alrright)) Af...

What is the biggest sin?

Name:Veronika, ID: 19587
Category:Ladies' Posts

What is the biggest sin from your opinion that woman can have? For every person there is list of the biggest repulsive things that will stop a person from dating with someone. It could be falsehood, arrogance, rudeness or greed. It depends from person. As for me, I hate lies. I prefer to hear the truth that could be very awful than sweetest lie.
How many times do you refuse to a woman because you noticed a certain sin in her? When people are in love they are like blind. Don’t see anythi...

24 hours together?

Name:Evgeniya, ID: 19503
Category:Ladies' Posts

Have a great day;-)
I am offering you to get a rest for a few minutes and read my thoughts. Imagine that you are in a relationship right now, if to look on your 24 hours about what are you thinking most of the time? About your work, hobby or about your Woman? I notice that nowadays people pay attention to their life only, people are getting more selfish. They spend hours/days/weekends at work or doing anything for hobbies. Like cycling, hiking, playing games or spending hours in gym. Of cours...

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