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The Day of Great Changes ! Let yourself do this…

Name:Mila, ID: 18757
Category:Ladies' Posts

March , 28 is the special day ! Today many countries celebrate THE DAY OF GREAT CHANGES ! This day doesn’t have any special history, but the idea of this holiday is great ! Life is full of changes and these changes should be good and make our life happier. We speak not only the changes in our clothing outfit when we change our winter clothes into spring clothes and throw away clothes that you don’t need any more. Yes, such changes are also very important. Or you had the arguments with somebody a...

Flowery secrets in Ukraine !

Name:Yulia, ID: 28394
Category:Ladies' Posts

How many women dream about amazing fresh flowers in their hands given by their sweethearts !!!! Flowers symbolize beauty, fresh air, love, fantastic mood. They create a real holiday around us making our life brighter !!! But that is the general meaning…. You should be very careful with flowers when you come to different countries. If you are in France, don’t give your lady one chrysanthemum because this is the symbol of the sadness. Have you ever heard that the bouquet of sunflowers ,given i...

What is Love ?

Name:longinus, ID: 15813
Category:Gentlemen Posts

Have you ever thought what love is…. I am a mature man and I have the right to answer this question through the years of my life wisdom.
Love is going through everything together. To stay, to stand, to forgive, to improve, to cherish, to appreciate, to be faithful..

It is seeing the Soul of another, to dissolve oneself in the feeling of unrestrained aspiration to make another person happier, to be a support for her/him, a saving circle, a beacon of light.

My love mantra is simply this 'Everyo...

The faster – the better ? I don’t agree )))

Name:Anna, ID: 21511
Category:Ladies' Posts

Hoooray ! Finally we have real warmth outside ! It is the crime to stay at home during such amazing days, isn’t it? Travelling is the best thing not to stay at home, agree? As for me I adore travelling and I like getting lots and lots of new impressions visiting different places of interest. But I prefer travelling by bus more than travelling by plane. Many people tell me that travelling by bus is wasting of the time but I don’t agree. When you travel by bus you can see everything around, you...

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