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Special video for great memories!

Name:Nina, ID: 18559
Category:Ladies' Posts

What is the best way of keeping the most pleasant memories in your life? This time I have an amazing idea and I think my piece of advice would be great for all lovable couples that started to be a couple in this dating site .
I am sure that all couples have amazing moments that make their hearts warm and addicted to each other. Pleasant romantic memories unite people more - that is for sure . And if people are communicating just one month – they already have many pleasant memories about each other and they keep them in their minds. What can that be ? That is a wonderful smile of a lady, emotions from getting a surprise etc…
I think that the idea of a video would be great ! But that will be not a usual video but the special one that unites small videos that last one second !!!! That would be not the slide show of the photos – but real small video shoots that last 1 second each. That whole video would be the video bunch of second flowers . But flowers should be from a real life – the lady is in the kitchen cooking something and the second half suddenly comes from behind and asks her to smile on camera )))) or the lovable couple is having the barbecue with friends and one of the friends catches happy smile of the couple…
Later…. Such video would be great to watch during pleasant family suppers or maybe if the couple has life problems such videos will inspire and make the relationships stronger.
As for me… I will create such video for my second half by myself…. There is only one problem – to find a second half… My heart is still free….
Do you agree with my ideas ?
Your Nina!

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