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Name:Olga, ID: 21384
Category:Ladies' Posts

Have you ever heard about a Love Tree? Do you know how people can grow it? I know, that the
Love Tree is a very capricious plant. It needs the care and attention, and if you want to grow it,
you must give it a lot of time…and it's hard work also..... Are you ready for this?????
The Love Tree is very similar to the simple trees. It also has roots, branches, trunk, leaves,
flowers and fruit. How do you think we must care about all of these? And what all of these
I will try to tell you what I think…
The roots have many different meanings for me. Firstly, when we fall in love, we look at the
appearance. If I like somebody’s appearance, the first root has been grown in my heart. But this
root can die soon if I will not find another roots and if I will not grow them.
The second root can be grown if the both are interested to have conversation, to share some
interesting things and know each other more and more....
The third root means that the both must complement each other, they must have the similarities
and the difference, they must not be the clones of each other. And they must complement each
other in such way , that it will be good for the both of them.
The second and the third roots can exist without the first one. I think, when there are the second
and the third roots, the first one can be born with time.
So, as you see, the Love Tree has three roots.
And what about the trunk? I think that the trunk means understanding. The trunk can be reliable
when the both trust each other totally and have magnificent unconditional altruistic feelings. The
roots will die without the good reliable trunk.
The branches have different meanings too. I think it is all that the lovers invest in their
relationships. For example, the warm words are the good contribution in the relationships, but
not only words, - also doing the right thing with respect to each other. It can be the little gifts,
surprises, tenderness and admiring, it can be banal punctual and fulfillment of promises…
So as you see, branches can be also different.
The leaves …what is about leaves? I think, the fleeting glances, walking hand in hand, and soft
kisses are the leaves of the Love Tree.
And so, when all these things exist, the flowers appear at the Love Tree … It is the first feeling
of happiness, pleasure and satisfaction with life. The both must take care of these flowers by the
contributions in their relationships, and then the flowers will give them fruit.
The fruit means the long happy life together, children’s laughing in the house, and a full family
And what do you think about this idea? How can you describe your perfect Love Tree?
How do you think, can we grow this Love Tree together?
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