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Name:Yulia, ID: 19936
Category:Ladies' Posts

Hot summer hello to all of you!
Do you believe in magic rituals and the impact of ancient traditions?
Our ancestors celebrated special holiday. It's being celebrated on the 7th of July and called Midsummer holiday( Ivana Kupala) - the celebration of youth, love and beauty! And It's important for creation a new family!
Usually this holiday young guys and young girls chose a mate. Girls make wreaths from flowers and herbs. A wreath symbolizes the cycle of time, the sun, life. A closed circle on the girl's head meant protection and talisman.
It was necessary to take only those plants that had a certain symbolism : some herbs ward off evil spirits, some - attract beloved. Then they went to the water and let them flow with a lighted candle. People believed, how wreath behaves itself on the water- such a destiny a girl will have in the future. If a wreath floated or sailed to the shore, so this year she wouldn’t get marry. If it was drowning, or unravel –a girl will not get marry at all, or her beloved will gone away and will not come back.
Only single girls were able to wear Kupala's wreaths, women hadn't right to do it , because their heads were covered with scarves after marriage. Girls could dissolve hair or have a braid.
A girl could put wreath only on the head of THE ONE guy she liked or was in love with. It was a kind of declaration her sympathy and love. After that a girl invited the guy in a dance. And later a wreath was shot and put on the water. Also couples jumped together through the fire to make clear body, mind and soul:) It is very cool and funny by the way!! Just imagine beautiful Ukrainian girls jumping over the fire, holding hands and revealing beautiful legs under their dresses ... Mmmm))
Agree, very interesting rituals!;) Would you take participation in some of them?:)
You know, I have my own wreath and save it in my room, as I think it’s my own talisman;) I made it by myself and I hope that it will bring me happiness, love and bright paints in my life with that ONE I really look for;)
I believe in this magical influence and may Ivana Kupala will help all of us to find our soul-mate and make a good family to be happy to the rest of the life!;)

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