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Last hello from summer )))) good or bad?

Name:Yana, ID: 20212
Category:Ladies' Posts

Hi guys ! Are you tired of summer? …come on Yana, you will tell me, how we can be bored with summer )))) I absolutely agree with you. I just think that very soon autumn will come and we will think about fireplaces and warm blankets. But I want to remind you in this blog that we should catch the last rays of the sun and spend these days effectively !
As for me I have found that effective way of summer spending ! Yesterday I went to the lake to swim with my mum and sister. And it was cloudy and chilly outside. And also it was cold to swim too. Almost nobody of us swam. But we found out something important ! We understood that we are a family and the main that we are together ! me and my mum and my sister. Yes ! woman’s company , why not. We see each other very rarely and this trip united us as a family . And I like such moments so much.
Of course among family talks and gossips )))) ha ha ) sometimes that happens between women, yes? ) we talked about a man. We talked that it would be great to have at least one man in our company. I am a single lady, my sister is still single too ,and my father doesn’t like going anywhere. So we felt lack of a man in our company. I thought that maybe very soon I will find my man here , at least my heart hopes for this. And our woman’s company will be with a nice emotional romantic man , whose heart will be full of love to me.
So , try to catch these last sun rays with good companies and friends somewhere outside ! ok ? and you will feel all those pleasant feelings that I had, communicating with my nearest and dearest people.
Your Yana

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