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Why you should try online dating

Name:Daria, ID: 21462
Category:Ladies' Posts

I wonder now if young people even meet the same way they did just a few decades ago. According to Statista 30% of US internet users in 2017 ages 18-29 used an online app or dating site. The site most used in January of 2018 is

So should you try it just because all the cool kids are doing it? Absolutely! Seriously, though, young people set the tone for what is the standard of the times in my opinion. Most people will try something new and tend to want to keep up with the trends if they can…so I think there’s plenty of people trying which means plenty of people to meet.

So some good reasons one should try online dating are:

You can be in more control of who you date or at least have more options to choose from.
You don’t rely on chance as much…although there’s always some level of randomness to life!
For many people, it’s the most effective option.
Provides a good platform for building social and, more specifically, dating skills.
A faster process for first dates for many people
You can pick the place where you feel most comfortable to meet as opposed to random locations (or loud, smokey ones).
It opens your dating pool way up.
It’s a small price to pay for a lot of perks in the dating world.
You get more of what you want from your dating life.
Your calendar becomes full of adventures for months to come.
I could go on and on about why you should try online dating, but here are the simple facts: online dating, if nothing else, will create an opportunity for you to add an exciting chapter to your life. For many of us, dating life without an online option means no dates at all. You get to make the choice to add a tool that, with some persistance, will create the adventure of going on many more first dates. Second, with online dating you pretty much know what you are getting yourself into. It’s better than a blind date, trust me! Finally, more people are meeting and falling in love online than ever before and that number is just going to continue to grow and grow. All of this says to me, “What have I got to lose?” I could sit at home another lonely night or I can get out there and start connecting with people today.

Life is an adventure, live like it is. Take that chance because, in the end, it’s the chances that you didn’t take that you will regret.

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