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Love in the distance

Name:Katya, ID: 21473
Category:Ladies' Posts

Good afternoon, my dear .. How are you?
Separation for love is the same as the wind for fire: it extinguishes a small love, and inflates a large one even more. When two love each other, naturally the desire to always be together, to see and hear each other and to touch each other, and sometimes even a short separation can be painful. But life is an unpredictable thing, and sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that lovers have to pass the test of separation.
The reasons may be different - he leaves to get an education or earn money for your common home, you have to leave to look after a sick relative or initially live in different cities ... To love and not be able to live together is a difficult test for two, and not anyone can stand it.
But I believe that sincere and true love can survive any distance with great success, making people who love each other even happier ..
Sincerely, Ekaterina

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