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Name:Olga, ID: 21384
Category:Ladies' Posts

Hi dear! You know that I noticed that many men and women confuse a date and just a meeting. So I thought, maybe it's worth discussing the difference. A date is a planned romantic meeting of two people of the opposite sex. As a rule, his goal is to get to know the partner better and have a love relationship with him. A date involves the creation of a certain atmosphere, often there are candles, wine, pleasant relaxing music plays. People are trying in every possible way to please each other, to show themselves from the best side. An integral part of a date is also flirting, kissing, walking and shopping.
As for the meeting, it may well be unplanned. Sometimes familiar people suddenly encounter each other in a wide variety of places, whether it is a shopping center or city square. They are thrown by a couple of phrases and sent further on their own business. Another difference between a date and a meeting is the number of participants. In the case of a romantic meeting, there are only two of them. Where a meeting is can be attended by an unlimited number of people. The meeting pursues a wide variety of goals. Therefore, the meetings do not imply a romantic atmosphere, and the techniques of coquetry and seduction on them will simply be inappropriate.

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