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Age Difference

Name:Anna, ID: 24018
Category:Ladies' Posts

Hello my dearest respectful readers of my blog ! My name is Aliona and I am
writing here to share my thoughts about one thing. One question that
doesn't let me sleep at night. What question is this ? I will tell you
Age difference.... age difference between a man and a woman. What is the
best one ? What is that golden middle that can unite people better.
Hmmm... that is the real problem. In my country the pshycologists say that
the best difference in age is about 3 years between a lovable couple. So
the man should be older than his woman for 3 years. But I know many happy
couples that age difference is 11 years or even more and these
relationships are very strong . People found each other when they were
divorced and wanted to find new strong relationships and build their
new family . He is a respectful 50-year-old gentleman and she is
30-year-old lady with a child. A standart situation. But these people are
mature and they know what they need from a life partner. They search for
a serious view of life, stability, deep feelings, travellings together and
interesitng social life.
I respect people who feel their hearts ! Who don't think about the
opinions of other people and just feel ! feel that this or that perosn can
be his/her possible life partner. because we choose life partners for
ourselves and not for our relatives or our neighbours.
If a man feels himself happy with a lady who is younger than him - why not
? This is his life and he wants to live his life emotionally and
What is the best AGE DIFFERENCE FOR YOU ? Write your post about this or
maybe send me a perosnal letter. it is so interesting to know oyur own
ideas about this, ok ?
best wishes,

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