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To do or not to do plastic ??

Name:Anastasia, ID: 19515
Category:Ladies' Posts

There can be no single answer to this question, as they say)
To each his own!
If a person has congenital or acquired abnormalities, the answer is unequivocal: of course, do it.
But why do those who are pretty pretty by nature come to plastic surgeons?
The fact is that each person sees himself in a specific image, wants to occupy a certain position in society. The appearance given by nature often does not correspond to these ideas, which sometimes causes moral discomfort and serious mental disorders.
It is plastic surgery that helps such people restore internal balance, gain confidence in themselves. In this case, it is worth deciding on plastic, but you need to know the measure and realize what result is needed and whether it is possible.
Do not forget that there are many people for whom plastic has become an obsession. This encourages them to do one operation after another, eventually not improving their appearance, but disfiguring it.
An obstacle for many is the price of plastic surgery!
It is worth noting that beauty is not cheap!
Many people invest in their appearance, and not in vain) The original appearance helped them become famous and make solid profits.
But I believe that the best option is to perceive ourselves as we are, to love our appearance, and consider flaws to be a sign of individuality)
But not everyone succeeds ...
If the desire to transform does not leave you, why not take the chance that plastic surgeons give us!

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