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Name:Uliana, ID: 19525
Category:Ladies' Posts

Christmas is one of the main Christian holidays in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ. It is noted in many countries around the world, but mainly in European countries. Yet, how is Christmas celebrated in the USA? This country has its own unique traditions and customs of celebrating this celebration. But the question is: why is Christmas December 25th? In 525, the Roman monk Dionysius created the chronology that laid the foundation of our era. In the chronographic collection, the birth of Jesus is attributed to the year of the consulate of Guy Caesar, which says "Under these consuls, the Lord Jesus Christ was born on the 8th day before the January calendars on the Friday of the 15th moon," that is, December 25 according to the Gregorian calendar.
Until the 18th century, Christmas was forbidden in the New World, and only Thanksgiving was recognized by the colonists. It was even passed a decree according to which all those who violated the ban were subjected to severe punishment.
The law lasted a little a quarter of a century, and in some states Christmas began to receive the status of an official holiday. Oklahoma State was the first, where in 1832 the first official celebration was announced. Others followed. So, in 1891, the first nationwide celebration in honor of the birth of Christ took place in America. Do you have your own well-established traditions for Christmas?

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