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Just give a chance!

Name:Oksana, ID: 19663
Category:Ladies' Posts


How much do the advantages and disadvantages of a person affect on love? There are no perfect people exist. I am not perfect either! But most people nowadays only notice one disadvantage stop relationship even if their beloved has a lot of advantages!

I believe happy couples live under the motto: Every person has dignity, which are not to draw attention to his shortcomings.

I notice that even if male or female has tattoo or they like drinking wine, beer or smoke, people would hardly begin build relationship with them, despite on wonderful character and caring heart. No,I don’t smoke and I am not an alcoholic… But why we can not close eyes on few disadvantages and be happy with the most wonderful person in the world, who has million of advantages?

If to tell my example from my life, most men don’t notice me, just because I have a daughter. Yes, she is an adult young woman now. Yes, she is independent. But existence of my daughter scare almost everyone! I don’t think that it is my disadvantage, but men would not agree with me!

I want to tell you, someone who is reading it now, please, don’t be so strict to your beloved one or future beloved person, try be more gentle and you will notice how beautiful is our life and how many good people around. Don’t say no, even if this person is not perfect in your eyes! Give a chance and who know, how will looks like your life after 365 days.

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