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Profiles. Mistakes.

Name:Kristina, ID: 19498
Category:Ladies' Posts


2020 year already is here and it means that again we have 12 month to make our life better and finally find your right person! I know and I believe that this year will be successful for me and for some nice man) SO! What topic I want to discuss is ….profiles! Women and men searching here for their love, soul mate, future girlfriend and do all their best for this. And I want to talk about men now…there are sections "about yourself" so that you can effectively meet girls.

Some men pay attention only to high-quality photos of themselves, some don’t put any photos of them at all . Of course, the girl first pays attention to your photos if man has them. But after viewing them runs through the entire page also!!. And from what she sees there, she gets a certain impression of you.

The most interesting thing is that most guys do not write anything in their questionnaires because of their laziness or lack of imagination I believe. But I want to tell to all men here, please, write your desires in profile, it will help much more to find woman who is closer to you than other girls.

I should tell that I found the most common mistakes in filling out the "about me" section of you guys and I really want to help you to understand our women’s mind! Who knows, maybe right now, I am helping to my future man!

1. The guy shows how good, sweet, and diligent he is. However, girls prefer a completely different type of guy, the opposite of the described type. About what we girls write in our profiles.

2. The guy tries to please the girls: he writes that he is "smart", "good", "can do something" and so on….It looks more like boast…and we girls hate when man boasting all the time.

3. The last one! It is when profile is completely empty! The only plus in it, that it is really intriguing, who is there, how looks like owner of this page? How looks his soul and what if THIS man will be my love? But what if girls would not want to discover that? So would be great if man would write something about himself, even without photos, if man is shy)

Better write something special about yourself. Maybe your special hobbies or what is on your mind daily? Maybe your drink tea only before bed? Or you do some action only in certain period of your life? I think that is super interesting facts that will bring to you girls that have the same way of thinking.

I hope that I open a little the world of women’s mind now, how it works when we see male’s profile and on what pay attention, so it could help to every men here to find girl that he is looking for and conquer her… Aww…I hope that I helped right now to man who is looking for his right woman… Me)

Take care!

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