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Happy relationship without quarrels?

Name:Anna, ID: 21751
Category:Ladies' Posts

A happy relationship without quarrels?

Most people believe that relationships should only bring joy, and completely exclude any "strain", and any working in relationship. I believe only immature people think so. After all, after a short time in any relationship of inevitable conflicts begin, this is natural because people can not match absolutely in everything. There is nothing wrong with disagreements. They happen even in the happiest and most stable relationships. If you learn to go through them correctly, respect each others desires and find solutions acceptable to both — this will make you stronger, give you an impetus to development, and teach you to better understand life and each other.

But in the absence of a constructive attitude, any disagreements turn into protracted claims and resentments.
I am mature woman, who will turn 40 years old this year,and I understand that happy relationships require each partner to work on themselves. The idea that somewhere there is your soul mate that will fit you perfectly is nothing more than a beautiful fairy tale. There are no absolutely smooth relationships, there are people who are able to overcome difficulties with dignity, while maintaining love.

We need have the ability to see any situation from two perspectives: your own and your beloved . This is the main guarantee of a happy relationship. Learn to enter into his position by focusing on his feelings. Take into account the temperament, interests, and even mood at a particular moment — try to be sensitive to everything that makes up the personality of the person who is next to you.

The way out of any conflict is not pressure, manipulation, or avoiding collisions, but the search for a compromise solution!!! This means a solution that will suit both of them in one way or another.

Of course, love is a necessary condition for creating a relationship. However, this is not the only thing that should be present in a happy relationship. Feelings, even the most sincere, are not a guarantee of stability. In order for a relationship to last, it needs to grow and develop. This means that you must be connected by something more than bedroom activities and good cooking. People need common interests, plans, goals .

I love the saying of one famous and very wise writer- Love is when you don't look at each other, but look together in the same direction!!


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