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Name:Anna, ID: 21511
Category:Ladies' Posts

WHO WILL HUG ME ??? Are there anybody who will do this for me ? Hugs are the first steps that open the gate for love and passionate feelings. Do you know that the scientists classify the hugs? There are bear hugs, cheek hugs, side-to side hugs, group hugs. All those hugs are special and have their own characteristics… but the main purpose of hugs is to make the other person to feel good. Positive mood and support – the main aim of the hugs.
Have you heard that hugs like kisses produce special hormones of happiness . Psychologists showed that the act of hugging causes the brain to release the chemical oxytocin. Oxytocin is the hormone of happiness and lovable feelings !
Hugging is something we are able to give naturally as children when we are very young. All need hugs. I strongly believe that hugs can be amazing treatment from depression and loneliness, from bad mood or insomnia.
But what about hugs between a lovable couple ? I call such hugs LOVABLE HUGS ! Eye hug, hand hug, body hug, leg hug … these are the types of lovable hugs…. And they can be endless in the life of a lovable couples. You can hug a person with your smile and pleasant kiss, you can hug your second half with gentle touches when your lovable partner is next to you. Hugs are also the part of playful mood that leads to something like a fire. My hugs are strong ! And yours ?
Let’s hug each other as much as it possible !!!

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