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Name:Anna, ID: 21511
Category:Ladies' Posts

Hello everyone who is interested in Ukrainian traditions ! Have you already washed your hands ? body ? face ? ))) oh yes ) if you have just woken up, just be in a hurry to get your bathroom to make real this amazing ritual of washing yourself BECAUSE THIS IS PURE THURSDAY TODAY !!!!
Do you have this in your country before Easter ?
In Ukraine we have this tradition, and Thursday, before Easter, is called Pure and this holiday has its origin from early Orthodox times. It is considered that the water this day has the special magic, the special power to clean a soul, heart and body.
According to the traditions, after cleaning your body you should start cleaning your house because everything should be clean before the hostess of the house will start cooking the special Easter bread.
Oh ! everything is full of Easter magic , right ?
I like magic in my life. I strongly believe that fresh waters of Pure Thursday will give me more health and beauty , more hope to find my second half with whom I can be happy.
I cherish the traditions of my country and I know that when I get married and find my man here I will bring the traditions of my country to the country of my husband and we will have double celebrations ! Isn’t that wonderful to have holidays two times more than other people?.... Two days for Christmas , two times of celebrating Easter and other holidays . Amazing , right ?
The traditions are very important. Keeping and saving them takes much time and persistence. But the life of young children should be based on the traditions of their ancestors because the traditions differ one nationality from another one. What values we will give to our young generations , those values we will have in the future society.
Thank you for reading my blog ! HAVE A FRUITFUL PURE THURSDAY ! FRUITFUL IN LOVE ! FRUILTFUL IN HAPPINESS IN YOUR HOUSE and of course – be open for love and be loved !!!!


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