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Name:Olga, ID: 21384
Category:Ladies' Posts

The type of society in where we live and the way we live our life provoked the extermination of smiles. In this abnormal society, the abnormal behaviors became the new normal. Therefore, in this sad, bitter, and full of struggle world, a smile has become something odd. What we are not aware of is that it can actually heal everything that is wrong with the world. One single smile brings many benefits and can change the way we experience our lives!

"Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile"

We are living our lives in a hectic, chaotic and stressful way, we are immersed in a way of living that limits our capacity to smile, only reserving it for special occasions. We smile when we are happy or for any other special reason. The problem is that in our daily lives those reasons are a few or nonexistent, but that is because we tend to focus on the negative rather than being grateful and happy about the big or small things that truly enriches our lives, that is why someone that smiles a lot creates some kind of contradiction in the average man. People believe that someone that smiles more than normal without apparent reason is either faking it or hiding something.

One of the things that I believe defines me is my smile. When depression and sadness flooded my heart, my smile was a way to prevent them from destroying me, but it wasn’t fake, I mean, I didn’t use it as a way to hide my real emotions, I forced myself to do it even when I wasn’t feeling happy as a way to feel better and as a way to show the world that I could keep smiling despite all the sadness and struggle. It was the way I had, and that I still have to see the beauty of life, to focus on the positive, and to be happy.

“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

Someone can smile at least once in a week, right? But, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to do it more often and feel the emotions that go along with it no matter what is happening around you? Wouldn’t it be great to be happy for no reason? Wouldn’t that be something normal? Well, in this world, it seems that smiling too often is something that can make you look weird, insane or drugged.

I remember when somebody told me: Why are you always smiling? What kind of drugs do you take? My answer was: I don’t need drugs, or any other thing to be happy and smile. I smile because I have lots of reason for doing it, just being alive is a good reason. Then, I remember when somebody told me: You are always happy and smiling, why? My answer was: Look around you, look what you have, look what life offers you everyday, don’t you see? Life with its bad and good things is beautiful, and that is a good reason to smile. I remember that person’s answer: Do you know something? You’re absolutely right!

“Your smile will give you a positive countenance that will make people feel comfortable around you.” – Les Brown

I discovered that the more I smile the less I feel anger, stress or depression. Smiling changed the way I felt and the way I experienced my life, but how a simple smile can make so much good? Well, even if it is for a second, it can bring light, hope, peace and happiness in a person’s life, and at the same time brings all those things to you too, because one single smile can release feel-good neurotransmitters as dopamine, endorphins and serotonin.

These chemicals have the power to make you feel good. They can relieve stress, lowers blood pressure, and lifts your mood. They are better than any anti-depressant, they don’t have side effects and need no prescription. Our brain does not recognize a fake smile from an authentic one, so smiling even when you are not in the mood can help you feel a little better. Therefore, smile as much as you can, even if you have to fake it, sooner or later you will feel happier and it will become 100% authentic. If it is free, good for your body and soul, and can make your world look a little better, why not give it a try?

“Smile, it is the key that fits the lock of everybody’s heart.” – Anthony J. D’Angelo

Smiling is contagious, even when people may think you are crazy for smiling a lot, in some way they will feel better around you, because as it can lift your mood, it can also lift the mood of everyone around you. A smile is not a random action that goes unnoticed, it is actually a powerful message, that knows no gender, race, age or religion. Even if it looks like people don’t understand why you smile, deep inside them it will always be understood as a sign of kindness, hope, love, compassion and strength.

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