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Science Love

Name:Valeria, ID: 22203
Category:Ladies' Posts

The most vivid impressions and emotions come to people when they love, madly in love. And in this state, a substance with the interesting name phenylethylamine is produced in the human brain, it is also called the “substance of love”. At that moment, it seems that your wings have grown, that you are ready for absolutely any feat. And this happens because this love drug affects the logical centers of consciousness, therefore, all subsequent actions of such a person can not be rationally explained.
Probably everyone who ever loved a person has a story about such reckless acts that he did during his love ...

Scientists studying the mechanisms of depression and mental recovery have recently made significant discoveries regarding chemical compounds in the human brain called neurotransmitters. The progenitor of all neurotransmitters, the one that makes men and women go crazy, can be considered a substance called phenylethylamine, or simply FEA. The mechanism of action of PEA is as follows: the human brain is divided into separate sections, and in general resembles a large grapefruit in size (although when a person loses his head due to love, it can be safely stated that his brain is compressed to the size of a pea). The first of the sites is exactly above the spinal cord and is responsible for such instincts as the survival instinct, the territorial defense instinct, etc., these are the most important instincts of human life. The next section, the limbic system, controls such emotions as anger, depression, hatred and the opposite: calm, contentment, love. The third section, the bark, is most similar to a ball of pasta, and that is what we present when we think about the brain. This site is responsible for our thought processes.

All these three sections are interconnected by hundreds of billions of nerve impulses (the difference varies from plus or minus a couple of billions, depending on the individual), which are transmitted from neuron to neuron. PEA is located at the ends of nerve cells and helps impulses to pass from one neuron to another. But there is one problem: PEA itself is a natural amphetamine that takes us to the seventh heaven. Therefore, when you see a person who is ready to surrender without a fight, the system that produces the FEA immediately begins to overfulfill the plan. PEA flows overflow all parts of the brain - including the one responsible for rational thinking. Therefore, you not only tolerate the intrusion of a loved one into your own territory, but you also feel (through the efforts of the limbic system) incredibly happy (or terribly unhappy, depending on the circumstances).

These are the interesting things that happen in our head when we love :)

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