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The Gentleman's Code

Name:Ludmila, ID: 21439
Category:Ladies' Posts

“The gentleman manages all his problems himself.”
- Respects not only himself, but also to others. And to women (a neighbor, a seller, a colleague, a business partner) - with emphasized courtesy.
- Takes care of his reputation.
- Able to drink. That is, he knows what to drink, where and when, but most importantly - how much.
- Having met a "sorted out" acquaintance, he will provide the necessary assistance without making this unfortunate fact a public domain.
- The gentleman "holds his upper lip tight," that is, does not betray his emotions.
- He knows how to fend for himself. If his honor is hurt, he will make ... a scandal. But the scandal is gentlemanly. How is it “executed"? Oh, this is a whole art! Firstly, the gentleman will never enter into a fight, but will come up and give a slap to the face with dignity. Secondly, having received a slap on the merits, the gentleman will turn and silently leave. If he considers himself right, he will answer the same.
- The gentleman even sits down beautifully, while slightly raising the right trouser leg.
- He is erudite enough to support a conversation on various topics, although he can be an amateur in many areas. At the words: “Ah, the face of Botticelli!” - Doesn't think that this is the face of a cosmetics company.
- Knows the difference between Amaretto and Tintoretto, one whiskey and one glass, chicken and game.

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