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Name:Anastasia, ID: 16121
Category:Ladies' Posts

Hi - no doubt - my handsome reader!
You've never thought about this old stereotype? That women and men in choosing their narrowed first turn their attention on appearance. But! While all the final stage of their choice does not remain on this handsome man or beautiful woman. And the result they choose themselves a second half of plain-looking and gray mice. For they are much more beautiful inside than outside. Their wrap is not as colorful as their inner world. And so people, come to your senses! Why run after these prototypes of Apollo, if there is near somewhere a gray mouse that will prove to be reliable support. After all, all the people whose face is like from the cover are narcissist by nature. And they will always give more time to themselves than to yourself. You are immediately on second place - right after his or her *Ego*. Or do you want self-trust on their background - they say, "look at me, I'm with a handsome (beautiful)!" Yes! handsome, yes! beauty, but! they are beautiful, and you only emphasize this. Remember: you are original and unique as any person, you have your ambitions and look for the right person with whom you can divide them. Look at those who are always around and love them. Do not let your hands down on the ONLY pretties, otherwise you can turn out to be just their next page in life.


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