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men and women are offended

Name:Ludmila, ID: 21439
Category:Ladies' Posts

We must always remember that men and women are offended in different ways.
Female resentment is a great mystery that there is no point in solving. Her nature is sometimes incomprehensible to women themselves, so men, trying to unravel and understand its causes, are wasting their time.
What matters here is not understanding, but action. Thinking and thinking with a resentful woman is dangerous. She needs the man through her actions to make her forget about the insult. It does not matter who is right and wrong.
If a man begins to argue and conflict, then he will only aggravate the situation. Women rarely admit their mistakes. It often happens that when a woman is wrong and a man observes this, then with even greater force she begins to defend her position.
A man should be flexible and soft, like water that sharpens stones - be stronger and smarter, take control of the situation and do everything that is required to resolve it. Anything, but do not argue or seek answers. This is the only way to defeat a woman’s resentment, gently and gently, without argument.
Of course, this rule must be applied in the right situation, when relations with her are important. No one says that a woman should be run and humiliated. You need to return with dignity and only worthy ... "

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