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What is happiness for you?

Name:Tatyana, ID: 21549
Category:Ladies' Posts

Our unhappiness is never purely external. Whether we suffer or not depends primarily on our attitude to reality. If we did not feel disgust, there would be no suffering. For example, entering a room and formulating a judgment that it is too hot inside, too crowded or there is no furniture, we characterize the room as uncomfortable and upset. But it's not about the room itself. Our dissatisfaction is caused by the disgust arising in the mind.
Aversion is rooted in our wrong way of thinking, which can be changed. We can improve our attitude if we correct our own view of the world. Our joys and sorrows are not something external and uncontrollable in relation to us. Happiness is born within. We create it ourselves when we learn to respond positively to difficult life situations. Whether or not to be happy, we decide for ourselves. Happiness is a skill that can be learned.

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