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Adult boys also need care ……

Name:Gary, ID: 21642
Category:Gentlemen Posts

It is considered in our society that women are weak and they need more care than men. I totally agree with this but sometimes women also forget that men are also alive creatures and need care from their women. Not always. Not often. But sometimes.
I am a mature healthy man , a big boy I must say . But Big boys also need love and care in time of need. For example, if a man caught a cold – who will call a doctor ? who will bring a cup of tea with the lemon ? That is the situation when big boys can feel themselves small boys and they need care.
I am just thinking about this , because I have a friend who is in Ukraine now and he is American. He has work there but he is totally alone , especially now when he got ill. He started to communicate with Ukrainian lady who lives in another city , but as they are not a couple yet , she can’t come to him to help him but she shows her care writing to him and giving him pieces of advice how to survive in Ukraine in this dangerous time for the whole world. She shows her care somehow and my friends appreciates this a lot because that woman tries to inspires him with her attention.
Now I understand that Ukrainian women are really careful and they try to support men, even if they are friends or in the future they will make a couple but that is really touching !
Girls, take care about your men ! Maybe in this site one careful lady will have a wish to show her care to me ?

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