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Special Mother's Day

Name:MIKE, ID: 20299
Category:Gentlemen Posts

Hello everyone ! I am in Ukraine now! I have managed to come to Kiev a couple of days ago from New York ! Oh yes! That was just difficult to come to Ukraine this time even if I have the vaccine passport i was not allowed to come to Ukraine. I had to take the testing again and only then the doors of Ukraine were opened for me. Luckily! I came to Ukraine on business and dream to meet a couple of ladies who live in Kiev. They both know that i want to meet them and luckily they are not jealous about each other. But what I wanted to say. Well, all these both ladies are mothers and already have their kids of 14 or 16 years old. I do have special desire to congratulate them with Mother's Day which is on May,9. i know that this year the date of the ninth of May will combine two celebrations -Mother's Day and also Victory Day. Both holidays are just very special for all Ukrainians. Mother's Day is such an important holiday because it reminds us that we have mothers and they are special for us, we have ladies whom we love and they also mothers and they have to be greeted too. There is no other person in the world who could be closer to you as your own mother. Mothers give us life and love, they always care about us even when we don't need this care. So sad but my mother passed away a couple of years ago but I got used congratulating my mum with this holiday. I have always presented flowers to her and called her and visited her with tasty cakes , candies and fruit. This is a special day !!!! My sweet ladies ! all ladies who are mothers in this site! Let me tell you my gratitude that you bring up children in this difficult time, on your fragile shoulders you just do everything that is possible to see your children smart, happy and successful.
Happy Mother's Day dear ladies!!! and I am in a hurry to my two friends who are already waiting for me outside. I am lucky , aren't I ? ))))


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