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Is there friendship between a man and a woman ???

Name:MIKE, ID: 20299
Category:Gentlemen Posts

Is there friendship between a man and a woman ??? That is an interesting question. I am a man , just quite experienced man who met different women in this life and still hope to find the one who will be not only my lover but also a true friend to me. If you are attracted only a lady’s body – that is passion . If you are attracted by her soul - that is friendship, but when you have the attraction both in appearance and soul – that leads to eternal love .
In my life I have several women who are just my friends. They are smart ladies with whom I feel myself comfortable in communication. We can chat and laugh and we are interested in each other’s life. Some of those ladies got divorced and have children, other ones have never been married and still in search , but sometimes we chat so well and I understand that friendship is just an amazing social phenomenon. Now I am thinking that if those ladies who are my friends had husbands …. Ooooooppps…. how would that be? Would they let me communicate with their wives? Lol , I am not sure . But I am happy that we still have that chance to exchange the news and inspire each other with some stories about hobbies or smth fun that has happened earlier in the life of my friends.
I am also very happy that I have some friends here in this site called love-temptation. I am extremely happy that life gives me a chance to meet smart and interesting people. But I am still in search dear ladies , don’t forget about this .
I see that many girls write here about the holidays that are celebrated in the International level. That is why I would also like to mention that June the 9th was declared as the International Friends Day ! My congratulations !

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