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Name:Olga, ID: 21384
Category:Ladies' Posts

Women, as a rule, spend a lot of time in front of a mirror. They carefully think over their image, to the smallest details: underwear, clothes, shoes, accessories, makeup, and hair ... Women want to be irresistible, make a brilliant first impression, and knock a man confused.
What do men want? On the contrary, they think less about their appearance, but they wonder where to take the girl ... What place she will like... I would like to leave a woman happy, happy and radiant.
This is a really important question. After all, many women fell in love with a man just because the first date was extraordinary, special, and memorable. Or on the contrary, a date that fell through! In secret woman dreams of adventures and adventures, so routine and monotony quickly tires.
That is why men thinks ... Where can I go? To the cinema? Too trite ... In a cafe? It depends on what ... Or maybe choose something extreme? But what if she doesn’t like it? ... What else could be the option?
It all depends on the time of a year. And so, here are some interesting options.
In many cities there are slopes, where in winter all the necessary equipment for skiing is provided: skis, suits, snowboards. Especially if there is snow and the corresponding romantic mood, why not?
As you know, physical activity invigorates. And after riding you can go to a nice cafe, have a snack, warm up with hot tea and discuss the funny moments of this evening! Believe me; she has never had such a date!
The first flowers, greens and freshness, sounds wonderful, isn’t it? After several months of dullness, I feel like diving into nature! In spring, many national parks invite visitors to flower shows. You can arrange a photo session for your beloved under magnolia, for example! Most girls love to be in the frame, although they are embarrassed to admit!
Where else to hide in the summer of stuffiness and dust around? You can choose a park with tall trees, something resembling a forest ... One where the hot sun will not shine, where you can finally inhale full chest, enjoy the clean air and the environment.
Then you can find a nice meadow and have a picnic there. For example, homemade sandwiches from your favorite ingredients, a bottle of wine, a cozy blanket for the evening. Joint business will unite you and bring together, and the outgoing colorful sunset will add a touch of romance and magic!
Autumn is the perfect season. So many colors and contrast! Nature says goodbye to people for several months, why not take advantage of this chance? Although it is wet in autumn, you can choose a park where there are asphalt roads.
There you will be able to walk slowly under an umbrella; a woman can hold a man's hand to create the mood of the promenade. Long coats, light berets, scarves - all this makes a woman even more attractive in the eyes of the chosen one.
After a walk and slightly reddened cheeks you can go for a cup of coffee, chat, and enjoy the comfort and warmth.
Now you know that I am ready for any date? And you will come to me and make our date a reality?

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