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Name:Tatyana, ID: 21475
Category:Ladies' Posts

Did you ever watch a movie with Mel Gibbson "What Women Want"? Old Cinema, with a good sense of humor. However, when the second part, “What men want,” came out, for some reason I felt very sad and unfair. Well, it would seem that a simple topic, they write to us on the Internet and in magazines what a super-ideal Mistress-cook should do. And I, in horror, came to understand that "oh God, I am not ideal."
So what do men want? My grandmother always said, the path to a man lies through his stomach. Great advice, therefore, I can cook tasty. My mother told me that a man should be passionately loved, therefore, my handbook in the relationship of sexual fun. My dad says a man needs to be respected, therefore, I am always ready to listen, say kind words and show my respect to my man.
But, if a man, towards me will behave badly, all of the above does not work. There is no future with such a man. I am not a perfect woman, and I can be mistaken, lazy, and ill. But, I'm looking for a cool guy who can figure out what I want. In turn, I will do whatever he wants. So my dear, are you ready open secrets to each other, about our desires?

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