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Name:Olga, ID: 21384
Category:Ladies' Posts

I decided to ask myself why Ukrainian women are so popular in foreign countries. A serious question, a lot of research, discoveries, and tons of books read. Yes, scientists can discourage all desire to find their love, what do you think?
But, I came to an interesting conclusion. It does not matter what nationality, color, skin, religion, culture and other factors a man or a woman. Now, if we discard the social phenomenon, we are all the same, we have red blood (for those who have a blue or green time to return home to their galaxy). We all drink water; eat vegetables and fruits, fish, meat. We work, create, fall in love. Yes, we just enjoy the adventure. And in the end, Ukrainian women are simply divine in their ability to tell smart things, dressed in sexy dresses, and cooking soup in the kitchen.
Therefore, men like it when the beloved woman is in the kitchen, and with their sexuality attracts attention. I think this is not taught in foreign institutions and colleges. These are all vibes of education of real women, which are preserved in the genetic code of Ukrainian women. True?

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