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Level of relationship between the sexes

Name:Lydmila, ID: 21463
Category:Ladies' Posts

Hello to everyone!
In the 21st century, more and more problems arise with mutual misunderstanding between men and women. Claims are being made more often against the partner, but less and less people are clearly articulating their thoughts and desires. We want that people around us to guess about our needs. But at the same time we are often not able to honestly answer what we need ourselves, and most importantly, we forgot how to listen to each other’s arcs.
My recent observations of children answered the main question of how to achieve what would be desired. Children are wiser than many adults, they come up and say bluntly: “Let's be friends?”, “I really want you to hug me”, “Excuse me, I was wrong, teach me how to do it”, etc.
Friends, let's be a little children and become more open to this world and to our partners!

Your Lyudmila!

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