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Myths about Slavic women today!

Name:Evgeniya, ID: 19503
Category:Ladies' Posts


I want to dispel 3 myths about Slavic women today. These 5 “myths “ could help to everyone look on women from another side.

1. Mercantilism. Men should remember that we, women, have feelings. And we completely understand when men appreciate us ,and when men interested only about money in relationship for example. I believe that financial issue should be discussed . I think most women can agree with me now, that even if woman is successful business woman, she still has heart and wants to be loved.

2. Obsession. We women likes compliments , when beloved man is caring and love us. It is not difficult to do I think. For some men it is even more than NOT difficult. And ways of caring become fixated on the partner and sometimes it is all really TOO much. So of course you, men, need to care about your woman, say compliments and give love, but do it just enough)

3. Shifting responsibility. In a harmoniously developing relationship, each of the partners has not only their rights but also their responsibilities. An adult should also be able to take responsibility when making decisions or performing actions that will have significant consequences. And it is third myth that men thinks about Slavic women. Most everyone thinks that Slavic women can do everything by themselves. Literally everything! Of course, we can do almost everything…but we are women, first of all and we wants to be sometimes just tender and sweet women)

Of course there are many other aspects that I would like to explain about us, women, but these are the most 3 things that are really common nowadays.

I hope to find man, who understand women , who knows what is healthy relationship, what is responsibility and of course that Love do not ends on the threshold of the bedroom but only getting better!


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