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Name:Anna, ID: 21511
Category:Ladies' Posts

My dear friends ! Have you already congratulated your mums with the super holiday that we have today in many many contries all over the world ???? Amazing holiday that gives the opportunity to feel a woman a real woman because of the attention of her children and husband .
As for me , my mum lives far from me . Nowadays when we don't have the transport running I have to go to meet my mum and have to walk about 1 hour on foot. But the distance never stopped me in reaching my goals. And today the aim to meet my mum and tell her my warm words was the main motivation to walk a long way . I made a surprise to her ))) she even didn't know that i will come ! But she heard my knock at the door and opened the door and I greeted her with my tight hugs and a big box of her favourite sweets !
But i know inside of my soul that I have to visit my mum more often. We hide behind our deals and jobs and problems and we forget about our parents, about real values in this life . But our parents is one of the main values in life and we should try to spend with our parents as much time as it possible in our busy life.
I want to wish the girls who are here in this place to feel themselves real women who will be around lovable husbands and caring children. Because women love attention, that is why we have more women's holidays than men's ones. Women by nature are much more sensitive and sentimental than men , their souls need warmth and attention and this gives them the feel of love and care. LOVE AND BE LOVED !!!!
Enjoy life and don't forget your mums !

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