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All women are mercenary or resentful men

Name:Inna, ID: 27037
Category:Ladies' Posts

Good morning ) I would like to share a little story from how my day started. It was warm enough, I decided to have breakfast at a small café near my house. There was a couple sitting at my table, and the man was complaining that all girls are mercurial. I was immediately surprised, since the man looked about 35 years old and looked good enough. Why the reasoning of a grown man? I doubt he knows all the girls, at least he doesn't know me )) Lol ))))

Might as well say that all men are polygamous, all hit women etc . There have always been bad men and good men for all of us. There have always been good and bad men. It's up to us who we talk to, right. We have to look closely, talk, and make conclusions before entering into relationships, then this will not happen.

We all have a story, and more than one, of love, trust, friendship. We've all been burned. And what? After that, do not trust anyone? Be angry and closed off to the world? The best solution is to forgive everyone, and yourself too, blame no one and move on, with the light inside. I believe and know that I will meet my man. And how do you feel about such people who hang patterns on everyone based on a few situations for the whole world ? Your Inna

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